Ohio Simulator

play it here

developed with 3 other peers for the 52nd ludum dare (the theme of which was harvest).

this was my first time working with unity again after a while, it sure did take me a bit to get back into the swing of things.

the game is a top down shooter where you must take down aliens. you can plant plants that grow over time; you can harvest these plants to recieve energy. the longer you wait, the more energy you recieve from a plant. when you max out your energy, you can unleash an ohio death blast.

i specifically worked on character movement (but not aiming), enemy ai/movement and spawning, and all the sound effects and sprite work (with the exception of the floor tiles.) sfxr was used to generate sound effects.

the jam was a lot of fun to work on, especially seeing things coming together in such a short time. fun fact: the sprite for the protagonist was based on placeholder art initally created for the plant object.

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