believe it! carruto is a puzzle game created in 48 hours for the global game jam (the theme of which was roots), worked on with 2 other peers, a friend i came to the jam with and a developer we met there.
the objective of the game is to plant ‘clones’ of yourselves, and then to control said clones to the end goals (which are barrels). the catch? the clones mirror your moves. the game’s title and protagonist are both references to Naruto, a series i still have no experience with; the cloning mechanic was inspired by it.
i worked on the movement code, soil interaction, and a lot of the sprite work; im especially proud of the carrot sprites. i never really considered myself an artist, but i think im beginning to feel more comfortable with the idea of doing art, even if its just low-res pixel stuff. i also designed the second level.
i learned a lot about being open to other ideas during this jam; i was initially very hesistant around the idea of clones mirroring your moves; i’m really glad i was wrong about that one. the developer we met at the jam had a ton of great ideas, and im glad i got to work with them in the end. id be lying if i said i didnt get incredibly stressed near the end, where there were so many loose ends to tie up nearly an hour or so before submission. that being said, im incredibly proud of the work our team put into this. personally, i’d like to expand this entry into a full release at some point (but only with the involvement and/or blessing of the original developers involved).
just a tip: level 4 looks identical to level 3. don’t be fooled, looks can be decieving…
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